The Invisible Extinction

The Invisible Extinction

  • USA 2022, 85 min
  • Directed by: Sarah Schenck, Steven Lawrence

In the last 50 years, humanity has lost 50 % of its ancestral microbiome – the bacteria in our bodies that help keep us healthy – with devastating consequences.

"The Invisible Extinction" follows globetrotting scientists Gloria Dominguez-Bello and Marty Blaser – partners in life and the lab - on their urgent quest to reverse this trend before it’s too late, while three patients with life-threatening diseases triggered by this disruption try experimental treatments to recover their health.

DIRECTED BY: Sarah Schenck, Steven Lawrence
CINEMATOGRAPHY:Thorsten Thielow, Allie Humenuk
MUSIC:Hahn Rowe
EDITING:Russell Greene
PRODUCTION: Sarah Schenck, Steven Lawrence

Všechna uvedení: The Invisible Extinction

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.