River – Festival opening

River – Festival opening

  • Australia 2021, 75 min.
  • Directed by: Jennifer Peedom, Joseph Nizeti

Rivers as beautiful and majestic living organisms. They flow through cities and adorn the landscape. Both wild and serene, kind and treacherous. Australian filmmakers will take us on a journey that presents all the facets of these arteries of our planet.

In 2017, Jennifer Peedom proved that she is more than competent in showing the beauty of nature. After Mountain, she follows with a documentary paying tribute to rivers around the world. Once again, she enlisted the help of Willem Dafoe to provide a voice-over which, along with an elaborate soundtrack, gives the documentary its spectacular form to the same extent as the footage taken using the latest technology. This ode to rivers, which have shaped both our planet and our way of life, is clearly best experienced on the largest screen possible.

DIRECTED BY:Jennifer Peedom, Joseph Nizeti
NARRATED BY:Willem Dafoe
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Ben Knight, Sherpas Cinema, Renan Ozturk, Pete McBride
MUSIC: Piers Burbrook de Vere, Richard Tognetti
EDITING: Simon Njoo
PRODUCTION: Jennifer Peedom

Všechna uvedení: River – Festival opening

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.