My Garden of a Thousand Bees

My Garden of a Thousand Bees

  • United Kingdom, 2021, 53 min.
  • Directed by: David Allen

What happens when a cameraman who used to work in the wild now has to stay at home during lockdown? He aims the lens at his own garden! Watching the secret homes of wild bees and looking for peace in the middle of a pandemic are approached with a personal touch.

Martin Dohrn gradually gets to know the bees. His Bristol garden is visited by around 60 different species—honey bees, bumblebees, and even solitary bees. In essayist style, he describes the bees’ behavior, watches their lives, and eventually differentiates between them. How does a freshly hatched bee learn about the world it sees for the first time? The film shows the view through the lens as well—from the making of one’s own film optics to the ways of filming this shy insect.

DIRECTED BY: David Allen
SCREENPLAY: David Allen, Martin Dohrn
MUSIC: Fraser Purdie
SOUND:Hannah Gregory, Jonny Crew
EDITING:Steve White
PRODUCTION:Passion Planet
SALES:Passion Planet, PBS

Všechna uvedení: My Garden of a Thousand Bees

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.