Microorganismus: The Air We Breathe

Microorganismus: The Air We Breathe

  • France, 2021, 52 min.
  • Directed by: Claude-Julie Parisot

Air is all around us. It is essential for all life despite the fact that we cannot see it. Nor are we able to perceive the countless creatures present in the air. However, that does not make them less important.

These organisms, also known as “aeroplankton”, are getting into focus of scientists, who are starting to realise their significance for the ecosystem. The field of aerobiology was established decades ago, but it is the increasing threat that these aerial organisms face that brought it to the centre of attention. The French documentary Le Peuple des Airs starts with historical discoveries and continues to the present to demonstrate that aerial microorganisms (or their absence) can have a far-reaching impact on biodiversity, climate and our health.

DIRECTED BY: Claude-Julie Parisot
SCREENPLAY: Claude-Julie Parisot
CINEMATOGRAPHY:Nedjma Berder, Jean-Pierre Rivalain
MUSIC:Jérome Coullet
CAST:Elizabeth Wautlet
SOUND:Hubert Rey-Grange, Christophe Foulon
EDITING:Anne Riegel
PRODUCTION:Thierry Commissonat, Benoit Tschieret, Guillaume Vincent

Všechna uvedení: Microorganismus: The Air We Breathe

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.