Into The Wilderness

Into The Wilderness

  • Czech Republic 2021, 4x 15 min
  • Directed by: David Brázda

You don’t need to go far to reach nature. You can find it right in your backyard. What can we find hidden around us?

Along with filmmaker Prokop Pithart, we will embark on a journey to the banks of Czech rivers and ponds and through forests where wolves run free, and owls hoot at night. The camera discovers the landscape’s secrets through inconspicuous details and closely follows its animal inhabitants. Sometimes, all you need to do is sit and watch. We will spend the day with animal rescue and set out for a night expedition documenting the sounds of the forest. The documentary presents the relationship between people and Czech nature and shows us how an ordinary walk can easily become an adventure.

DIRECTED BY David Brázda
SCREENPLAY: Ondřej Bojo, David Brázda
CAST:Prokop Pithart, Václav Kutílek
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ondřej Bojo, David Brázda
SOUND: Miroslav Novák
EDITING:Michal Helan
PRODUCTION: Adam Pešek , Česká televize

Všechna uvedení: Into The Wilderness

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.