The Quest to Save Parasites

The Quest to Save Parasites

  • USA, 2023, 11 min.
  • Directed by: Emily Driscoll

The goal is clear: we need to save the parasites! Parasites need protection, and scientists are determined to strive for it. The lifestyle of these diverse organisms may not raise much sympathy, but they deserve our attention nonetheless.

As the number of hosts decreases, so does the number of parasites dependent on them. However, even these creatures form an essential part of the ecosystem and keep it in balance. Almost every animal has a parasite, and rarely only one. What would happen if they suddenly disappeared? Scientists are clear – nothing good for anyone.

DIRECTED BY: Emily Driscoll
CAST: Anna Phillips, Colin Carlson, James Herrera, Laura Ellsaesser
KAMERA: Michael Cogliantry, Matt Durning, D. L. Anderson, Jeff Buckner
MUSIC: Getty/Epidemic Sound
ANIMATION : Lottie Kingslake
PRODUCTION: Emily Driscoll, Jeffery DelViscio

Všechna uvedení: The Quest to Save Parasites


The Quest to Save Parasites + The Night Visitors

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.

Paraziti: záchranná mise + Noční návštěvníci