Jeff Young: True Places Never Are

Jeff Young: True Places Never Are

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Jeff grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota, in the US. He is a nature photographer and filmmaker with experience in anthropology, land conservation, and walking aimlessly.

Nature, human cultures, the smell of ponderosa pine trees, and perhaps above all, birds, inspire him. He wants to bring new editorial styles to natural history film. Jeff’s first film, True Places Never Are, was short-listed for a student BAFTA and was a finalist for an RTS best student film award. It collides his interest in birding with the history of quantum physics and philosophy. He now works on productions in Bristol, England while developing a new personal project on an endangered bird from his homeland.

Všechna uvedení: Jeff Young: True Places Never Are

ČTVRTEK 19. 10.
STŘEDA 18. 10.