ČZU Campus Once Again as the Festival Centre

Come and visit the extraordinary Prague Science Film Fest in the modernised ČZU auditorium. The Festival has been held at ČZU every year since 2011.

This year, for the first time with a new name, it takes place from Monday to Friday, from 18 to 22 October 2021. Besides the ČZU Campus in Praha-Suchdol, the Festival locations also include the Edison Filmhub cinema (Praha 1) and Přítomnost cinema (Praha 3). In addition to breath-taking visuals and extraordinary stories of documentaries about the life of little owls, gorillas, and Ecuadorian tribes or the topics of gluten, waste, or self-fulfilment, all visitors have a unique opportunity to meet honoured guests with backgrounds in many disciplines and to experience an unparalleled film festival atmosphere.

The Prague Science Film Fest is co-organised by the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague and Palacký University in Olomouc.