Beyond the Curtain of Nature – The Magic of Pretence
The nature around us is full of breath-taking shapes and colours. And what exactly can animals do with their unusual curves and hues? Some use it to blend with their surroundings while others to draw attention to themselves. But there are also professional imposters which use Batesian mimicry to pass off as other animals. An episode of the Beyond the Curtain of Nature series entitled “The Magic of Pretence” takes us not only to explore the animals but also the lab of the Department of Botany and Zoology.
DIRECTED BY: Marián Polák, Jan Hošek
SCREENPLAY: Marián Polák, Jan Hošek
NARRATED BY: Miroslav Táborský
MUSIC: Kristian Koll
EDITING: Jiří Mikula
PRODUCTION: Marián Polák, Česká televize & GepART pictures s.r.o.