An unusual conversation of two people affected by multiple sclerosis presents two perspectives imaginatively combined in a film. A clash of the research scientist’s views and the patient’s daily life.
Inconspicuous tics, occasional staggering, dizziness. The beginning of the illness can be unnoticeable and is often mistaken for a different, more common diagnosis. The quality of a person’s life sharply decreases as the condition progresses. Acute symptoms can be suppressed, but a cure remains unavailable. The film comprehensively covers the current scientific research of multiple sclerosis, the complexity of the illness, and sketches the possibilities of a future treatment.
DIRECTED BY: Suzanne Raes
SCREENPLAY: Suzanne Raes
MUSIC: Tim van Peppen, Jaap van Keulen
EDITING: Patrick Janssens
PRODUCTION: Ilja Roomans, Fabie Hulsebos
SALES: Docmakers